Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Emery Water Safety Consultancy

Water Safety requires a targeted approach that makes the best and most efficient use of your existing staff and resources.

I help organisation plan / implement and work on their water safety and drowning prevention strategies.

If your current plan / strategy is not delivering the results you desire. I can assist you to trouble shoot, make the required tweeks and obtain the latest state of the art equipment to ensure your plan delivers the outcomes you desire.

Even if you already employ the best of the best staff, more oftain than not it takes a fresh, outside pair of eyes to spot the issues and make the required corrections.

There is a famous saying "You can not improve what you are not measuring". I put in place, as part of your plan the measurements to ensure you are, and stay, on the correct track to deliver your outcomes. Best of all with technology these days I am always just a phone call, email or social media message away.

My job is to ensure you get your job done in the most efficient way. On time and on budget.

Many cases / projects can be handled online with no face meetings required at all.

So, why am I the consultant for you?
I have been in the Lifesaving / Search & Rescue business for many years now, there is very little I have not seen and or done before.

I have been a Lifeguard for over twelve years.

A Beach Inspector (Lifeguard boss & more) for the last five.

I hold all the Australian Surf Lifesaving awards including the gold medalion.

I was a rescue swimmer and aircrew for the Wespac rescue helicopter for three years.

I was team leader of the emergency response team three years.

I have performed in excess of 380 ocean rescues personally. Have recovered a number of bodies and performed resuscitations / defibulation on more than 10 patients.

I am a qualified swimming pool manager.

I was managing director of my own IT business for fifteen years.

I have been, and am currently, a director and board member for a number of Australian & US companies.

I am very passionate about water safety and would like nothing more than to see an end to needless drownings.

If you need
A drowning prevention strategy.
You want your current strategy upgraded / improved.
Need help dealing with Coroner's reports / investigations.
Need water safety equipment or supplies.
Maybe you are planning a water based event and need a water safety plan to ensure you don't have any unforeseen issues.
Or you simply need highly qualified and experienced Lifeguards to watch over your event/s.

All you need to do is let me know and I will provide a no obligation quote.

You can contact me at or +61418909935

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